Get to Know YS3605 On/OffFob (Q&As)

  • Updated
  • Q: How many sets of ON and OFF buttons does the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob have?
    A: The YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob has two sets of ON and OFF buttons.
  • Q: Can the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob control more than one device?
    A: Yes, you can pair one or more devices to the top set of buttons, and one or more devices to the bottom set of buttons.
  • Q: What is the wireless range of the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob?
    A: The YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob uses LoRa long-range/low-power technology, which offers up to 1000 feet of open-air wireless range.
  • Q: How long does the battery last in the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob?
    A: The YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob uses standard alkaline AAA batteries, which provide 5+ years of standby battery life.
  • Q: Can the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob operate without an internet connection or YoLink hub?
    A: Yes, the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob can operate without an internet connection or YoLink hub, making it ideal for standalone applications.
  • Q: Does the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob come with a warranty?
    A: Yes, the YoLink YS3605 On/OffFob comes with a two-year warranty.
  • Q: Can I use the YoLink YS-3605 On/Off Fob to control non-YoLink devices? A: No, the YoLink YS-3605 On/Off Fob can only directly control compatible YoLink devices, such as a YoLink Relay or Smart Plug.
  • Q: How do I pair my YoLink devices to the On/Off Fob?
    A: To pair your YoLink devices to the YoLink YS-3605 On/Off Fob, follow these steps:
    Ensure that the YoLink device you want to pair is in pairing mode. Refer to the device's documentation for specific instructions.
    On the YoLink YS-3605 On/Off Fob, press and hold the ON button that you want to pair the device to (top or bottom) for 5 to 10 seconds until the LED flashes green, then release the button.
    On the YoLink device, press and hold the SET button for 5 to 10 seconds until the status LED flashes green.
    Your YoLink YS-3605 On/Off Fob is now paired to the YoLink device. Pressing the paired ON button on the On/Off Fob will turn the YoLink device on. Pressing the paired OFF button on the On/Off Fob will turn the YoLink device off.
    You can pair additional YoLink devices to the same ON and OFF buttons, or to the other set of buttons, using the same steps.
    To test the On/Off Fob, start with the paired device(s) turned off. Press the associated ON button on the On/Off Fob and verify that the paired device(s) turn on. Press the associated OFF button on the On/Off Fob and verify that the paired device(s) turn off.

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